Sunny Verse Tuesday?! (Finally)


 Hey everyone, so I noticed I hadn't done a Sunny Verse Sunday in quite a while, so here we are (sorry it's a Tuesday) ! This weeks verse is one of my favorites, Jeremiah 29:11, by now you are probably going "Oh brother she picks the easiest ones!" Maybe so, but the easiest ones are sometimes the most important. This verse reads, "For I know the plans I have for you declares the lord plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future". Sometimes I think we read this verse and many other verses with it and we don't actually LISTEN to it, there is a difference between listening and just hearing (that's why they're two different words!) Back to the point, you have to listen, don't just hear, listen, apply this verse to your life, for example when the verse says YOU, replace it with your name. For example, "For I know the plans I have for IZZIE, plans to prosper IZZIE, and not to harm IZZIE, plans to give IZZIE hope and a future." Think of how those plans are bigger than you can ever imagine,  God wants to help you grow to love him, not harm you!  Yes of course there will be hard times when friends and family pass, they get sick, maybe even YOU get sick, but that is where and when your real feelings will show through, these are the times God will build you up! You might cry, you might get angry, and goodness you might be laughing with friends! Even then God builds you up! Now I don't want any confusion so here is what I mean by "build you up", make your beliefs stronger in him, you might pray more and get to know God better in these times so don't let the devil beat you down, tell you you can't do it, and that God is wrong and doesn't love you! Because God loves you more than you will ever know.

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  1. Tell me what you think in the comments!

  2. Did u know a snake could eat an ear ring causing the grass to turn blue at a 50 degree angle from the north south side of the east war from new jersy causing a interuption of the " window tales " from kfc. Thats why u should never eat jewish lizards bc they might rob your feet

  3. Wise words. You are correct. Sometimes the "easy" verses carry allot of weight and little nuggets of wisdom many people miss! I love that you are taking time to dig a little deeper. Keep Living to Learn Yahweh's Word! πŸ™πŸ’œ

  4. @TWiseman I totally agree with you! She did a fabulous job. Yahweh bless you!

  5. Aw thank you so much! I really want to start doing more posts like this.😊


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