Pet Page

 This page lets you know all about Izzie and Analey's pets!

Izzie's pets.....

Hello pineapplites it's me Izzie and I am about to introduce you to my pets.

I have a lot so brace yourself! 

Chewbacca (Chewy)

Chewbacca is my favorite pet, but don't tell anyone! I love her so much and she is very pretty! She is what you call a tortoiseshell cat, and is very rare! She is very shy and is just like the star wars character. You know how chewbacca was found in a pit, chewy is always under the bed! She really loves me and is always on my bed.๐Ÿ˜‹

Hush (The.... larger one)
Hush is our only male cat and he is very big, but he is the best cuddler! He is short-haired but soft and has a bit of a playful attitude. He is the cutest thing when he is sleeping too!

Glovely ( lil budddyyy)
Glovely is so precious and had a unique feature. Her eyes are fogged over. When Glovely was little she got a cold and my mom got really attached to her so we got to keep her, Glovely was also very fragile and her bones were not very strong. When she got better her eyes stayed fogged over in a grey color, and have stayed that way ever since but she can still see fine. Glovely has a bit of a snobby attitude towards hush because he always wants to play and is constantly annoying her.๐Ÿ˜น๐Ÿ˜น๐Ÿ˜น

Adventure (the mother)
Adventure is the mother of hush and Glovely and it seems she is always pregnant or taking care of her current kittens. Adventure is very adventurous as her name implies, and is always climbing over fences and running across the street when she hears a car coming. She loves to stand up on her hind legs and let you pet her head. But isn't the nicest if you're a cat.๐Ÿ˜พ
(Adventure with her latest batch of kittens) ๐Ÿ˜‹
(Adventure with her previous batch of kittens, in the bowl is Hush when he was a baby. Glovely was 3 litters ago.๐Ÿ˜ธ)

Scaredy (the scaredy cat)
Scaredy is very shy and scared of almost any noise. She only lets my family pet her and when she does she is even a little scared of us. I only have one picture of her because of this, she is also Chewbacca's mama and sometimes also gets on my bed, she is like the cool aunt to all of adventures kittens and is very purrty.๐Ÿ˜น

Ok dont worry I have no more cats to show you, on to crabs!๐Ÿฆ€

Methuselah (I wanted him to live a long happy life)

I got my crabs when I went to the outer banks this past fall (2020) with my family, and they are both very cute. Methuselah is only a few months old now and is in the process of molting, and has been for a few months. Molting is when a crab comes out

of their shell to shed their exoskeleton. It can take longer for baby crabs so we have to wait! 

2021 Update: Methuselah died. He did not live up to his name. Poor guy. :(

Zoomie (noisy lil fella)
Zoomie has a personality no one will forget!

He loves to climb around his cage and make noise! It can get annoying but he is cute so we let him continue. ๐Ÿ˜‚

Thumper (newest) 
We got Thumper quite recently and he is the cutest little guy! He hops around and sits on your finger! He was found in my grandparents garden and we took him home we love him so much!
Update 2021: released in our grandparents pond this summer.

I had a lizard (green anole) named smudge for a week too, in fall 2021. I caught her in the women's restroom at my grandma's church. She was cute and hugged my finger, and sat on my hat. Don't worry I took good care of her!

My grandpa's cat ate this bird:
We buried it in the pet cemetery in the woods. 

Rosebud was my Grandmothers turtle who passed away in 2021, she was sweet and liked cuddles.

This random rabbit was running around in my great-grandma's backyard. I picked her up and named her oreo. She liked carrots and cuddles also.

My besties bearded dragon, my nephew, or niece I don't remember which one this is. She has like 6. Or 8. Probably 6. But yes:

That's it..... for now.

Stay tuned for Analey's pets soon!๐Ÿ˜‹


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