About Analey

Hi, I thought you would like to know a little bit about me, so here are the facts. My name is Analey Wells, I like to play games, and I like warm hugs (I am NOT just quoting Olaf). I love fluffy things, animals, planets, and art is pretty good. I ADORE Books, Music, Movies basted on books, making friends, explosions, and Jesus. My favorite color is Forest Green. I have three cats, two of which are brothers, one is a girl, and a dog named Bella. Bella is a Golden-brindle Dutch-shepherd, and is three years old. I am (like Izzie) Homeschooled, MY favorite subjects are Astronomy, and History. And you know how people are always asking what your favorite song is? I just tell them that I don't have ONE favorite song I have like a gazzilion, so I just say my top 
5-10 and call it good. I'm not a big fan of TV but I still have a favorite show/movie or two. The Mandalorian, X-Men, Transformers, Star Wars, and Camp Rock, all of which can be found on Disney+. I have four favorite book series they are: Seven Sleepers Series by Gilbert Moris, Dragon Keeper chronicles by Donita K. Paul, The Lunar Chronicles by Marissa Meyer, and Twilight Saga by Stephenie Meyer (I do not know if Marissa and Stephenie Meyer are related)
🍍Thanks for reading and please be sure you look at some of our           older posts!🍍


  1. Hi Analey,
    My name is Ariel. Me and Izzie have talked, but I would like to get to know you a bit better.
    Tell me about your family. Thanks (:
    - Ariel


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