Plants and Christianity what is similar?


What happens if you don't water a houseplant? Do you have your answer? It dies right? Because it needed water to thrive, but it was never given any.
"Why does this happen?" you might ask, this happens because just like humans, plants need food and water. Plants eat using photosynthesis, and drink rain, or water that is given to them. So when a plant doesn't get either of those it will die of "plant starvation." But what happens if you don't water a Christian? I don't mean go throw a bucket of water on your siblings head, I mean what happens if you don't keep strong in your faith? You will die right? You won't belive that God loves you, cares about you, and wants to protect you! Same as a plant, if you aren't watered, in this case with the bible, prayer, and sermons, your roots won't go deeper, they will stay near the surface! You have to actually build your faith, and water yourself daily, no DROWN yourself in the Bible, pray, and listen to preaching daily (church isn't only for Sunday's you know.) This may seem like a lot of work to water a plant daily, but in the end what do you get? A beautiful tree with good fruit!


  1. Leave your thoughts here!😆💞

  2. Preach it, sis!😉 So true- I love how you use metaphors with the point you're getting across. God bless you!!


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