About Izzie

^That's me^

 Hi! I'm Ireland Rose (you can call me Izzie if you like,) and I am 15 years old.
My birthday is April 11th. Some of the things I love are music, art, blogging, and Jesus! I have been blogging since June, 2020 and really enjoy it.My hobbies include crocheting, playing ukulele, practicing my singing skills, and soccer (like, in the backyard), I'm also learning Spanish, and teaching myself piano. My favorite color is green, and its a bit of an obsession.

 I have five cats, and 1 crab. (Check out our pet page!) I'm a good, WAY OLD FASHIONED homeschooler, and my favorite subject is Bible. I hate math (sorry math lovers), and reading (sorry Autumn.) My favorite song is..... who am I kidding!? I have like 200 favorite songs, but I mostly listen to Klove, you know, some Tmac, and Tauren Wells. Skillet is the best. Don't forget Jordan feliz and For King & Country! I fall asleep listening to my"best Christian songs ever" playlist. I also like Bon Jovi and Queen, and a lot of other oldies, but goldies. 

 My favorite shows are Agents of Shield, Blue Bloods, Psych, A Series Of Unfortunate Events, the list goes on and on, but one of my favorites is (don't judge me), SpongeBob. Also, have any of you guys ever seen The Chosen?  I like to watch HGTV, and I make fun of how every single Hallmark movie has the EXACT SAME PLOT! (You know it's true.) Some of my favorite books (this contradicts what I just said but read this) are the Lunar Chronicles by Marrisa Meyer, and The Bible.

 My favorite book in the Bible is Job (pronounced 'Joe-b'), I like how he didn't loose his faith through all that happened to him, but I will let you read about that. I hope that you will enjoy our blog and subscribe!


  1. Hi, Izzie! Even though I haven't met you, I can tell we have a lot in common. (The only difference is you have one more cat than I do.😄) I met Analey a few years ago, and she's told me a bit about you. This blog is looking great, and I can't wait to see more posts! 😃

  2. Awww thank you Shay! Yes, do have a lot of pets but I definitely win in the cat game. In 3rd grade I was known as the cat lady because I had about 20 cats, they all are descendants of queen whiskers or mama cat, she was just a stray kitten when she came up to our porch and we began feeding her, she had 4 kittens 2 of which I remember were mittens and owl, both were male the other 2 were girls but I don't remember that far up the cat family tree because I was only maybe 5 or 6 when this started but all the cats multiplied like fleas along with their fleas, and we just got rid of 3 sets of kittens and their 2 of their mothers, we kept adventure. maybe a post on the cats family tree would be fun, any ideas?

  3. Heyy! Sorry, I haven't been here in a while! That is SO cool- I love cats!! A few days ago we got a couple puppies, but I will always be a crazy cat lady.😄 That sounds cool; you should try it. Or perhaps the history of your favorite cat breed?

  4. Oooo well if you look at our pet page you will see that my favorite cat is chewbacca and she is a tortoiseshell. I think they are my favorite. 😋🍍

    1. Tortoiseshells are not a breed they are only called tortoiseshells because of the patter on their fur just like tortoiseshell glasses. So, Chewbacca is actually more special than your other cats because she has a special feature also speaking of feature you should do another friend feature.


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