Thought Bubble Thursday💭💭


Analey here! As you well know today is Thought Bubble Thursday and today I'm thinking about:Dragons. there are a few reasons why.

1. I have been reading a book with dragons in it.

2. I'm learning about China for school and as lots of you should know the Chinese culture is crazy about dragons.


3. They are my favorite magical creature!


       Dragon Fun Facts:

1.Dragons are mythological creatures found in artwork, stories and legends.

2.No one really knows where the legends and stories of dragons came from or started.

3.Dragons are usually described as a huge, gigantic reptile or lizard like creature 

4. Sometimes they are shown with green scaly skin, wings and red eyes.

5. There are many different kinds of dragons.

6. Some dragons are said to blow fire, most dragons fly, some blow ice

7. Some say that dragons are poisonous.

8. Stories from the Middle Ages say that knights would go out to fight dragons as a test of their bravery. 

9. It was believed that if you took a bath in a dragon’s blood it helped you see into the future.

10.A dragon’s tooth was believed to be good luck.

11. Dragons are sometimes shown as an evil creature.

12. In Japanese and Chinese culture, dragons are a sign of good fortune. Dragons are an important symbol in Chinese New Year celebrations.  They are believed to bring good fortune and wealth. There are many dragon decorations and dances during Chinese New Year

    some different ability's a dragon                          

   can have are...

1. Masters of Healing    2. strong fighter    3. Peacemaker   

4. masters of Fire   5. Masters of ice    6. Masters of Earth

7. masters of water   8. leaders 

                         ....and many more

           And even the Bible talks about dragons!!

             That's all for to day!

         come back next week to see Izzy's post on WEDNESDAY     

Here are some links to dragon coloring pages:  1129 × 800900 × 651612 × 8401024 × 10241024 × 767imgres      

                                 The Joke of the Day is.... 

Q: What kind of fruit can fix your sink?

 A: A Plum-ber!


  1. GREAT post Analey! What do you think we should do next guys!?😋

  2. GREAT IDEA! I would love to make a post on that! Make sure you check out our pet page! We have some sea creatures there too!😋


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